Healthy Habits | 4 & 6 Week Plans
Weekly food consultation and shopping
Service Description
HEALTHY HABITS: 4 Week Program (Get started on the right track) 6 Week Program (Staying consistent & being the focus) 2-4 Week food consultation and shopping (discuss week goals and food shopping options) *Recommendation: 4-6 week commitment to see results* -4week commitment (meet-up 2x) -6week commitment (meet-up 3x) *See consultation guide for specific details* (SEE EMAIL) *This package does not include a workout plan. (4) Week: $600 ($150 wk one contract commitment) -Consulting -Prepping the pantry food shopping, an example of meal-prepping throughout upcoming weeks. -Weekly check-ins (2x) and meal suggestions (biweekly). -Before and After Selfie -(1) Key essentials to take away (6) Week: $900 ($150 wk one contract commitment) -Consulting -Prepping the pantry, food shopping, an example of meal-prepping throughout upcoming weeks. -Weekly check-ins (2x) and meal suggestions (biweekly). -Before and After Selfie -(3) Key essentials to take away & understanding the benefits of why and how to stay focus 10% discount on F2D resistance bands
Cancellation Policy
24hr notice of any cancellations.
Contact Details